Fátima Sánchez Santiago
Executive Director
Fátima Sánchez Santiago
Executive Director
Bárbara Rodriguez Muñoz
Director of exhibitions and the collection at Centro Botín
Begoña Guerrica-Echevarría
Director of Visual Arts Department
María Gómez Quevedo
Culture Director
Arrate Martín Fernández
Director of Visitor Management and Experiences
Manuel Diego Sánchez
Art and Creativity coordinator
Elena Ruiz-Cotorro
Event Management
Sol Campuzano Cobo
Management assistant
Vicente Todolí (Presidente)
Curator and former Director of the Tate Modern in London
Paloma Botín
Trustee of the Botín Foundation
Udo Kittelmann
Independent curator
Manuela Mena
Head of Conservation for 18th Century Painting and Goya at the Prado National Museum
María José Salazar
Conservator at the Reina Sofia National Museum and Art Centre
Bárbara Rodriguez Muñoz
Director of exhibitions and the collection at Centro Botín
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