Training programme

The Centro Botín has set itself the educational mission of awakening the creative attitude and capacity of people so that they can improve their life and environment. To do so, it will facilitate access and coexistence with the arts to the general public, using is enormous potential to generate emotions and, once they know how to manage these emotions, or in other words, having developed their emotional intelligence, they are turned into a reason and impetus that serves to awaken and foster their creativity.

The essence of the Centro Botín’s training programme “Arts, Emotions and Creativity” is research. Since 2007, the Fundación Botín has worked alongside world class experts fostering groundbreaking studies on emotional and social intelligence, and the development of creativity. The conclusions of these studies serve two purposes: firstly, to deepen and create new knowledge of these matters which is then published in important publications, and secondly, to give substance and scientific grounds for the activities that the Centro Botín offers its visitors.

In 2013, we embarked on a priority line of research in collaboration with Yale University in the United States to analyse the role emotions play in the creative process and to investigate the relationship between art, emotions, and creativity. The aim of this research is to make the Centro Botín a pioneering place in the world for developing creativity through art and an international meeting place for academics and experts in this sphere.

The research carried by Fundación Botín and the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence constitutes the focal point of the training programme given by the Centro Botín, whose aim is to develop visitors’ creativity and emotional intelligence through art.

The Centro Botín offers a full programme of activities for children, teenagers, families, and adults, which will awaken your curiosity and imagination and encourage you to play and learn through experiences.

Exhibitions, concerts, theatre, dance, film series, workshops, courses, etc. They all boost emotional intelligence and foster the creativity of those taking part, regardless of their age or condition, developing skills and giving them new learning experiences to become enriched and take on everyday challenges.

The different lines of research that the Centro Botín embarked on in the “Arts, Emotions and Creativity” programme have been described in a pioneering editorial line on this topic which explains the interesting results obtained, in a way that is suitable for all audiences.

In a series of studies titled “Emotional and Social Education. International Analysis (2007, 2011, 2013 and 2015), national and international experts analyse innovative educational practices conducted in different parts of the world.

In 2012 and 2014, the results of the research related to creativity were published. The first one was titled “Good Morning Creativity!” and discussed its importance in daily life and in the educational, social, and family realm. The second international publication, titled “Arts and Emotions – Nurturing our Creative Potential” analyses the potential and benefits that art gives us, and particularly how visual arts, cinema, dance, literature, music, and theatre, can help us to boost our creativity. The first chapter of this report explains the educational model developed by Yale University for the Centro Botín.

The important results obtained thanks to the joint research and actions of the Centro Botín and Yale University have led to many international publications in reports, prestigious magazines, and specialised books.

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