A palimpsest is a manuscript onto which later writing has been superimposed over effaced earlier writing. The title refers to the production process of this painting, based on an assemblage of architectural forms drawn from an encyclopaedia of twentieth-century architecture. Fragments of emblematic buildings are superimposed onto others, some parts erased to provide pictorial space for others. This accumulation of architecture is akin to the one found in any urban setting, as a testimony of a historical continuum, but also the evolution of the use of space and related social habits. Concurrent to the assertion of a socially minded artistic practice, one can also note the formal process of layered images becoming even clearer than in earlier paintings such as System (2002) or early drawings such as Untitled (2000), found in the first room of drawings (gallery 1).

Palimpsest (old gods), 2006. Ink and acrylic/canvas, 152 x 213