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Mona Hatoum

Sin título / Untitled, 2005


Sin título / Untitled (Box grater), 2008
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 30 x 40 cm

Sin título / Untitled (India strainer), 2008
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 24,5 x 35,5 cm

Sin título / Untitled (Limburg grater), 2005
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 38,2 x 49 cm

Sin título / Untitled (Indian colander), 2007
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 40 x 52 cm

Sin título / Untitled (Round grater), 2008
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 29,7 x 42 cm

Sin título / Untitled (Alu colander), 2008
Papel encerado / Wax paper, 40 x 52 cm

Adquirido / Acquired 2010

Since 2005, Mona Hatoum has been working on a series of drawings produced by pressing a piece of wax paper against a kitchen utensil, resulting in an imprint of a simple domestic artefact used for the daily preparation of food. Each bears the name of the depicted instrument, following the mention “Untitled” — a practice that refers directly to the history of conceptual art, when artists chose to stop giving titles to their works in order to leave their interpretation more open. These drawings act as the trace of a routine almost always carried out by women, as essential as it is antiheroic and somehow invisible, given that it is enacted in a space seldom used for social interaction. These drawings may refer to the universality of the gestures carried out in varied living conditions, or maybe how they can disappear in conditions of extreme precariousness.

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The artist

Mona Hatoum

Beirut, Libanon, 1952

Hatoum seeks to extract an emotional response from the spectator, questioning their environment, their relationship with the objects and the world and thus develops a language where the familiar and everyday objects tend to take on strange, menacing and even, at times, dangerous forms.

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