Album C contains the greatest number of drawings of all those created by Goya. Furthermore, it has survived into the present day almost intact, conserving 120 to 126 drawings that he made during this time. The Prado Museum safeguards this album, which is why you are able to enjoy these drawings as part of this exhibition.
The drawings you will see now were created during a war that lasted 6 years in Spain (the War of Independence).
That war, and the years that followed it, were very harsh and very sad. When there were problems in the street, instead of hiding away, Goya would go out with his sketchbook to find out what was going on, observe it closely, in order to be able to draw it later. Thanks to him, we know what life was like during this time.
For that reason, the drawings you will see now depict, among other things, very poor people in the streets and the horrible punishments imposed by a group of people known as The Inquisition on all those who did not think the same way as them.
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