Centro Botín Press kit

Centro Botín is an arts centre of Fundación Botín: a space for the development of creativity through art and a meeting place focused on art and culture. Centro Botín will provide a base from which the Fundación can build on its longstanding support for art and artists, through international exhibitions, workshops and scholarships, and also pursue research into drawing styles of the major Spanish artists of all periods.

Photo: Enrico Cano

Centro Botín’s mission is to awaken people’s creative nature and skills by bringing the arts to the general public and harnessing the huge potential for developing their emotional intelligence and creativity. The research carried out by Fundación Botín and the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence constitutes the focal point of the training programme given by Centro Botín, comprising of activities for children, teenagers, families, and adults, which awaken curiosity and imagination and encourage play and learning through experiences. As well as exhibitions, concerts, theatre, dance and film series, there will be workshops and courses.

Fundación Botín’s new art centre, that was opened in June 2017, strives to be one of the leading art centres in the international art circuit, spreading the cultural and educational wealth of the arts and offering a warm welcome to all visitors from near and far. This is achieved thanks to the beautiful facilities which include both the building itself and the lavish gardens surrounding it.


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